Hiram Lodge #1, A.F. & A.M.
The olde lodge at New Haven
chartered 1750
New Haven, Connecticut USA
Worshipful Master's Message Sept-Oct 2016
Tidings from the East……
Brothers of Hiram Lodge No. 1, it is a longstanding tradition that Lodges slow down their work over the summer months due to hot lodge rooms and Brothers off on vacation. Many erroneously say that the Lodge has “gone dark” but that is a term reserved for when a Lodge officially retires its charter to the Grand Lodge temporarily or permanently. The correct term for slowing down in the summer is “going dim”; the light is not out, just not as bright. This summer, however, Hiram has done neither! The Lodge was active all summer long doing everything from holding degrees with our newest FC and EA classes, meeting those we serve at Columbus House and the Farnam House camp, and by simply spreading Brotherly love and friendship together and on our travels.
We have a similarly busy fall schedule planned including our Awards Night, Step-Up Night, Inspection and, of course, bringing new Brothers to light in Masonry. I sincerely hope you join us in as many activities as you can, not only for the benefit of the Lodge but also for your own growth and betterment. Make Thursday night your Hiram Night!
Sincerely & Fraternally,
I hope to see you at Lodge.
Michael J. Calderone
. Worshipful Master