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The 2024 New Haven, St. Patrick's Day Parade was held on March 10th, which is one of the oldest parades in the country. Brothers of Hiram Lodge #1 and 200+ members and family of our lodge and many others all joined in the fun. Our Deputy Grand Master posed with a few of the brothers present. This year we had a vintage car for our GL Bros. and a float provided by Aguilera trucking which held almost 50 of us. The day was cool, but dry. The music was in the air and the folks along the parade route, were energetic and happy to welcome us and Spring! It was a great showing for all CT Freemasons. Thanks to everyone who attended.


The lodge's first Corn Hole Tournament was held on Feb. 25th in Hamden to raise money for the Tommy Fund. 18 Teams and lots of friends gathered as the beanbags flew and competition began. The lodge provided lunch and our members generously donated many great gifts for the raffle table. Special thanks to our chairman, Bro. Jerry Nero who organized it all. Through his efforts and the many brothers who supported and helped at the event, we collected over $3500 for a day's work, which was an awful lot of fun. On hand was Exec. Director, Rebecca Santoli from the The Tommy Fund (pictured above with WB Al Johnson) who also participated in the fun.

The Annual Installation of Officers was held to begin the year at Hiram Lodge #1. W.B. Tullio Milani took over the helm as our new Worshipful Master for 2024. In this picture, M.W. Brother Bruce R. Bellmore watches over the passing of the lodge charter from W.B. Al Johnson to our new Master. The new officers were also installed and the lodge is ready to move forward with its new leadership. W.B. Scott Atkins also becomes our new Secretary, taking over from R:W. Brother Bob Moon. Thanks to Bob for his many years of service. Good Luck to the entire 2024 officer line.


This year's big event was the Annual Pizza Challenge to support the Tommy Fund here in New Haven. On a hot day in July, Brothers of our lodge and many neighboring lodges, with many friends and family members, came out to eat Inferno Pizza and enjoy the day. Chris Beuton and his Pizza Truck came and supplied all the pizza for the day. Porcini International and many other local businesses and charitable organizations helped by supplying drinks and other food. We're proud to be able to help our friends at the Tommy Fund and support they're important mission!


The Annual DeMolay Grand Master's Class was held in February at Hiram Lodge #1 in honor of our own Brother, Bruce Belmore the MW Grand Master of Masons in CT. Close to 100 people attended the two degrees performed by the State officers and young men of DeMolay. Four new members where initiated and the day was capped off with the Flower Talk given by the Deputy State Master Councilor. The boys were in perfect form as the two degrees were presented in excellent form. Thanks to all the brothers who attended and congratulations to Bruce!


At a recent awards night at Trumbull Lodge #22, our own RW Brother Sal Ferrigno received the Pierpont Edwards Award in Bronze for distinguished Masonic Service. Brother Ferrigno's mother lodge is Trumbull #22 and he is a 24 year member of Hiram Lodge #1. Pictured in the photo are other Peirpont Medal holders who came to support Brother Ferrigno that night including RWB Bob Moon and MWB Bruce Bellmore who presented the honor. Brother Sal's family was also in attendance along with close to 100 others for the occasion. Since this was a lodge Awards Night there were also incremental pins and a First Responder award given out. It was a great night for Masonry! Congrats to all.

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