Hiram Lodge #1, A.F. & A.M.
The olde lodge at New Haven
chartered 1750
New Haven, Connecticut USA
Worshipful Master's Message May-June 2015
Greeting Brethren,
And again I say Wow! What a year we are experiencing! From March, our 1st Fellow Craft and 2nd Master Mason Degrees, our 1st Masonic Table Lodge, and 1st Inspection on the Entered Apprentice Degree, Hiram Lodge# 1 is establishing itself as a premier free masonry lodge. Both visiting brethren and our District Deputy have noticed the crisp degrees and the pride in which our lodge brothers have put into the rituals, instruction, and brotherly love to all.
The Masonic Table Lodge was top notch. Our awesome Junior Warden and his Stewards cooked a wonderful pork loin meal. Plus the refreshment before and after our degree work is superb. Hiram Lodge #1 now has a masonic book club headed by the brothers Leland Moore, Andrew Henderson, and Cedric Jacobson where brothers can come together to discuss and learn various masonic topics. Coming up are more activities to be a part of including: the Blue Lodge Council, guest speakers, paint ball with the DeMolay, the Annual DeMolay Golf Tournament, Grand Master’s Parade and much more.
There is a lot of excitement and fun in the lodge. The fellowship and brotherly love abounds amongst the brethren. If you have not been in lodge lately, youowe it to yourself come down and be a part of it. Thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you in lodge. Special Note: Our Secretary, RW Douglas A, Gray, P.M. P.D.D. KYCH was award the “Secretary of the Year” Award by the Grand Lodge. We presented it to him in lodge. Doug is the third recipient to ever receive this award. Thank you Doug for all you do!
Timothy C R Wilkins
Worshipful Master