Hiram Lodge #1, A.F. & A.M.
The olde lodge at New Haven
chartered 1750
New Haven, Connecticut USA
Worshipful Master's Message Mar-Apr 2016
Greeting Brethren,
With the opening months of the year under our belts, we notice that the monthly Thursday night plan works quite well: 1st Thursday for Committee Meetings; 2nd for Lodge Education; 3rd for Degree Rehearsal & Individual Education; 4th for Degrees. The plan will stay largely intact for March and April, save for our attendance at an enormous temple-wide St. Patrick’s Day Table Lodge on Thursday, March 17th hosted by Trumbull Lodge #22. Please note that the Master Mason Degree rehearsal anticipated for that day is now on Wednesday, March 23rd. And, yes, we will be marching again in the New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 13th! Wear your green and show your Hiram pride! Finally in March, we have our first Wildcard 5th Thursday on the 31st. A poll of the Craft says we are going to have our fellowship night playing pool at Towne Billiards in Hamden! Join us, bring a friend and enjoy some off-site fellowship! Brothers, I am extremely proud of the fine work of the various Committees on our Off-Thursday nights. Do yourself a favor and make each Thursday night your Hiram Night by visiting the Temple and seeing what we have in store. If you are looking for additional light, notice the meeting times for the Library/Book Club and Travelling Committees. There is much work going on in the Hiram Quarry for you as a Freemason!
I hope to see you at Lodge.
Sincerely & Fraternally
Michael J. Calderone
Worshipful Master